Region Generator v1.0[ Details | Review | Screenshot | Author's Notes | Download ]
Whereas other editors allow you to manually trace transparent regions with your mouse, Region Generator v1.0 goes a step further and automatically traces your skin and saves the transparency data to your region.txt. For the utility to work, your main.bmp must be reduced to two colors, an "in" and "out" color. The latter is to be used for the transparent regions. The used trace algorithm starts at the top left and searches each row for the first "out"-colored pixel and then follows the path until it gets stuck. This happens if your skin has multiple transparent sections. In that case you will have to create a template for each region, in order to have them each traced automatically. The output can then be manually combined in your region.txt. Region Generator is limited to creating transparencies for Winamp's main window. Support for the equalizer window is not implemented.
Region Generator Version 1.0 From Michael Soft. Copyright and Trademarks: As for Region Generator, it is CopyLeft, MichaelSoft (A joke name and if Microsoft object sorry). That means you are free to redistribute this application as much as you like, provided you don't charge for it in anyway. No putting it on Cover Disks or on any distributed CD's without my written (not electronic) permission. Source: Program: Region Generator is designed to create region.txt files for the main window in WinAmp. The way to use it is as follows:
Limitations: There should always be a 1 pixel wide clear border round the edge, or the algoritm will get stuck. Grids as follows: Where '1' is an "in" pixel and '0' an out pixel (i.e. diagonal connectivity) will cause problems with the algorithm so make sure there are none. Also if your line doubles back ensure there is a 2 pixel gap between "in" regions at least to allow the edge to go back through. Bug reports and suggestions to |