Winamp Skin Utilities
[ All-Round | Viscolor | Transparency | Button Extractors | Miscellaneous ]
All-Round Skinners
All-Round Skinners are the easiest and quickest way to create a Winamp skin from scratch. Simply load a background image, select a template for the buttons and sliders and your skin is finished in a jiffy. All-round skinners are ideal for beginners.
Viscolor Editors
Viscolor Editors let you comfortably edit the visualization colors of your skin's spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope. You know, the grafix just beneath the time display in Winamp's main window.
Transparency Editors
Transparency Editors help define your skin's transparent regions to make parts of the equalizer and main window see-through. No more need to hardcode the coordinates in your region.txt.
Button Extractors
Button Extractors are useful tools to easily extract the different skin components taken from a flat image of a skin. They will save you some time in creating the different skin bitmaps.
Miscellaneous Utilities
Miscellaneous Utilities are skin related utilities that did not fit into any other category. For instance you will find a desktop clock that uses Winamp skins to change its look.