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TransTrace v1.12
[ Details | Review | Screenshot | Author's Notes | Download ]
TransTrace v1.12 automatically traces a loaded bitmap for all transparent areas and can append the information to your skin's region.txt for Winamp's main window, shaded main window and equalizer. The readme.txt of TransTrace states that sometimes traces do not turn out entirely as expected. This pertained to all tests done at 1001winampskins.com, where none of the used bitmaps were traced correctly. This makes TransTrace pretty useless, although it covers all transparency features of Winamp and would be a great tool if it only worked correctly. The sparse online help makes using the program pretty difficult. Not all functions are self explaining. TransTrace requires VB40032.dll, ComDlg32.ocx and olepro32.dll to run which can be downloaded from the author's homepage.
![TransTrace v1.12](http://www.max.myokay.net/1001winampskins/tools/region/TransTrace.gif)
Readme for Winamp TransTrace 3/11/98
What is it?
This program will take a bitmap and edge trace it to produce an output
text file in a format compatible with Winamp Transparency Region definition
files (region.txt).
Who would use it?
WinAmp skin designers who want to add transparency effects, but do not want
to go throught the bother of manaully defining all the points necessary to
create the effect, or use one of the manual drawing tools available.
What does it need to run?
This program requires VB40032.dll, ComDlg32.ocx and olepro32.dll to run.
These can be downloaded from http://www.comports.com/AlexV/TransTrace.html
How is it used?
1) Draw the bitmap you want traced in your favourite graphics program
leaving a single colour as the background to become transparent. Then
load it into this program either as it starts, or by pressing the Load
Bitmap button.
2) Select the transparent colour. This is by default to be the colour
of the top left pixel, but it can be changed by clicking anywhere on the
bitmap in the background colour. You should see the transparent colour
indicator change to show the new colour. This acts like an eye-dropper
3) Press "Start Tracing". The bitmap will be read into memory (watch the
status bar for progress), and the first shape traced. If this is a shape
you want to be part of the VISIBLE area, then click "Add", otherwise click
"Skip", and the shape is ignored. This is usefull for when single pixels
or very small areas have been unneccesarily traced. Once all the traces
have been made press the "Finish" button.
4) Save the region.txt file with the rest of your skin files.
What else can it do?
You can also define a solid rather than transparent colour, so it regards
anything other than the colour selected as being transparent. Click on
the underlined "Transparent" text to switch modes.
There is also a "Set Area" button to restrict the area of the bitmap that
is traced. Press this button then drag out a rectangle over the area to
be used.
The "Change Line Colour" button lets you change the colour of the line and
the area sizing box. Use this if the default red is difficult to see on
your bitmap.
What are it's limitations?
Winamp does not allow for negative regions (holes, for example), so don't
expect this program to produce them. HINT, to create this effect cut a
small square in the side of the hole to the outside of the containing shape
so that it is no longer a hole, but an inlet, then define a second shape
as a small square to cover the area cut out that was supposed to be visible.
Sometimes traces do not turn out entirely as expected. The "cleaner" the
edges of the bitmap, the better the trace will be.
What do I pay for all this?
This program is no-nags shareware, like Winamp. The only difference that
registering makes is that you are kept up to date with updates, and when
the program starts your name appears in the title bar (rather than the
default UNREGISTERED). Your name disappears after you press
"Start Tracing". Registration costs only 10$. To register online please
go to http://www.shareit.com and enter the number 102328 into the express
registration box. (Alternatively go to
http://www.shareit.com/programs/102328.htm) Then press the
"Register" button, and fill in your details.
If you register you will be sent a register.key file, which must be put
in the same folder as the program file.
Who do I have to thank for this program?
This program was made by Alex Vallat. Come and visit my website at
http://www.comports.com/AlexV or email me at
Update 27/10/98
This update to version 1.12 contains a fix for the "Requires ComCtl32.ocx"
bug. It also improves the edge-tracing algorithm so that it will handle
the last line and row properly. This problem was due to the strange but
true fact that WinAmp requires for first row and line points the point to
be ON the edge, and for last row and line points the point to be OUTSIDE
the edge by one pixel. This is now correctly handled by the edge tracer.
The tracing is still not 100% perfect, but about 99.9%. Occasionally you
might be missing a pixel, or have one you did not want, but in general it
now produces a correct trace. If you have a bitmap which it completely
refuses to trace correctly please send it to me by email so that I can
improve the algorithm to work with that too.
Other improvements include command line handling, so you can drop your
.bmp on my .exe, and it will load it. Also new for version 1.12 is the
Save Options which appears after you choose to save the file. This now
allows you to choose the section you want to save the transparancy
information to (such as Normal, for the normal WinAmp window, Equalizer,
for the Equalizer window, or WindowShade, for that mode). You can also
type in the section name manually (this is provided for forward
compatibility so that if any new sections are handled by WinAmp, they
can be produced with this program.
In addition it is now possible to add to existing files, rather than just
replace them. This is useful if you already have a shape defined, but
want to add another shape traced using my program. This option is
available from the Save Options box when you try to save over an existing
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